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On 2023 we asked Núria Guiu to create a production within the framework of CÈL·LULA. During this 2023/2024 season, the artist-in-residence presented the solo piece Medium (30 September to 1 October 2023), the starting point for the new creation Supermedium, which was premiered at Mercat de les Flors from 24 to 28 January 2024. To produce this creation, Guiu, accompanied by the Norwegian choreographer Ingri Fiksdal, held four open sessions in which participants were invited to let themselves be possessed by the dance that is already in their body. A dance that is not situated in the past, the present or the future, but in all times at the same time. A practice where individual and collective memory meet through bodies in movement. During the last quarter of 2023, three open rehearsals were also offered to Mercat de les Flors ambassadors and season ticket holders so that they could enjoy a more direct experience of the performance prior to its première. This formula brought creators and spectators closer together, favouring a shared complicity and trust.

In this new work for CÈL·LULA 4, Núria Guiu was accompanied by the Norwegian choreographer Ingri FiksdalSupermedium is a large-format version inspired by Medium, a solo piece created by the two choreographers in 2022 and which opened the 2023-24 season. In the history of dance up to the present day, there have been different approaches to the incarnation of that which is virtual or invisible. Witches and mediums have always been women associated with the fringes of society and with superpowers.

The piece explores the metaphor of the ghost, stage creation and presentation as a ritual, and the body as a channel and archive that invokes other bodies. Supermedium is also a metaphor for today’s “Super Ballerina”, a person who lives on the threshold of what is a precarious job and a valued, remunerated job with the rights of any other worker. In this creation, nine female dancers will channel movements and dances that invoke a singularity crossed by a common past and present. An exorcism that burns, expels and invites to rebirth the dance, the ballerina and the live arts of the future.

Direction Núria Guiu Sagarra / Choreography Núria Guiu with Ingri Fiksdal in collaboration with the dancers / Accompaniment Claudia Solwat / Performers Núria Guiu, Clara Tena, Emma Riba, Mabel Olea, Aina Lanas, Blanca Tolsà, Anna Calsina, Laura Morales and Berta Pascual / Costume and set design Ronak Moshtaghi / Original light design Phillip Isaksen / Adaptation, design and lighting technician Arnau Sala / Costume assistance Manuel Mateos / Photography and video: Tristán Pérez-Martín
Production Mercat de les Flors in the framework of CÈL·LULA project

NÚRIA GUIU and INGRI FIKSDAL presented Supermedium from 24 to 28 January 2024 at Mercat de les Flors.


NÚRIA GUIU - Open Rehearsal 'CELL 4: Supermedium' (PB Room - December 23, 2023)